Giới thiệu
This study exploits the high computing performance of the Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud computing platform to process Sentinel 1 images to rapidly establish a flood map in the coastal city of Da Nang through the historic flood in October 2022. The flood map is eventually exported to a shapefile and overlaid with socio-economic data in a GIS environment to assess the impact of flooding on socio-economic activities. The results indicate that the entire city has 10.505 ha flooded, concentrated in the Northwest and Southeast of Hoa Vang district, Lien Chieu district, and the results of geo-spatial statistical analysis also show that 189.161 km of flooded roads, 184 flooded residential areas, 12 flooded commercial service-school-hospital areas, and 9,786.81 ha of flooded agricultural land. The consequences were considerable damage to property, houses, crops and serious impacts on the lives and livelihoods of Da Nang residents.
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