Phuong Pham Thi Hong, Thao Pham Thi Mai, Giang Nguyen Thi Linh

Giới thiệu

In this study, we dealt with variations of PM10 - bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) to estimate the human health risk and identify their possible sources from rice straw open burning (RSOB). Field experiments were conducted in the middle of the rice fields, away from roads, residential and industrial activities, to collect particle-bound PAHs emitted from rice straw open burning in the Mekong Delta. 16 PAHs in extracted solution samples were quantified using GC/MS - MS Thermo TSQ9000. The results showed that the ratio of B[a]P/B[k]F, B[a]P/∑COMB and Fth/(Fth + Pyr) could be used as diagnostic ratios for the identification of sources from RSOB. In addition, the carcinogenic risk of PAHs on PM10 (ECR - B[a]PTEQ) on burning samples was 238 times higher than the ECR index (10-4 ng.m-3). These results prove that the RSOB emitted PAHs compounds on PM with a high risk to human health. ECR - B[a]PMEQ emitted from RSOB have a very high potential for mutagenicity. These results can be used to make a scenario about the risk of PAHs arising from RSOB for policymaking in air quality management.

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Các tác giả

Phuong Pham Thi Hong
phphuong@hunre.edu.vn (Liên hệ chính)
Thao Pham Thi Mai
Giang Nguyen Thi Linh
Pham Thi Hong, P., Pham Thi Mai, T., & Nguyen Thi Linh, G. (2022). 14. SOURCE IDENTIFICATION AND POTENTIAL RISK OF HUMAN HEALTH OF PM10 - BOUND POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS FROM RICE STRAW OPEN BURNING IN MEKONG, VIETNAM. Tạp Chí Khoa học Tài Nguyên Và Môi trường, (43), 139–146. Truy vấn từ https://tapchikhtnmt.hunre.edu.vn/index.php/tapchikhtnmt/article/view/454

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