Giới thiệu
The air quality in Hanoi is getting worse and worse due to the increase in population, private vehicles, industrial zones and emission sources from residential areas. One of the sources of air pollution comes coal burning, which emits many kinds of substances, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO) and sulfur dioxide (SO2). The use of this energy source is controversial since it generates hidden indoor air pollution which adversely impacts human health. Therefore, reducing the concentration or treating air pollutants from coal burning has great significance in improving air quality and human health. The research investigated the honeycomb coal burning situation in Xuan Dinh ward, Bac Tu Liem district, Hanoi. The results of interviewing 23 households with honeycomb coal - burning activities showed that 56 % of households use 2 - 4 kg of coal/day for business and domestic purposes. The concentrations of SO2, CO and NOx in the input smoke were quite high, at 532.89 ± 37.21; 2452.33 ± 45.73 and 28 ± 3.04 mg/m3, respectively. The coal - fired honeycomb exhaust gas treatment model using V2O5/TiO2 anatase photocatalysts showed high efficiency in the reduction of CO (95 %), SO2 (97 %) and NOx (89 %).
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