Giới thiệu
Residential solid wastes have been becoming an environmental threat for every city, especially crown and high population. The status of Residential Solid Waste (RSW) in a large city, such as Hanoi in general and Dong Anh district in particular, can bring a better vision for management activities. In this study, RSW will be carried out to assess the sources and component contribution being inputs for further forecasting of generated RSW until 2025 in study areas, Dong Anh district, the Tien Duong, and Uy No communes. This study applies the separation of the waste in sites and surveys to calculate the Generated Residential Solid Waste Rate (GRSWR) and in combination with the increased population rate from the famous Euler’s model to predict and forecast the Generated Residential Solid Waste (GRSW) in Dong Anh in the 5 years (2020 - 2025). The results show that the increase in population for every study region will lead to an increase in RSW. In particular, the total GRSW will increase by more than 1,000 tons/year with only 1,000 raised citizens in 5 years. The overall trash collection rate reaches 86.5 % of the total waste generated in the area. The residential waste composition of the Dong Anh district is extremely diverse, with organic matter accounting for nearly 75 %, higher than the average of Hanoi. The important thing is to rigorously and thoroughly implement waste classification at the source according to the regulations of the Law on Environmental Protection (2020) to reduce the amount of waste generated that needs to be collected.
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Trích dẫn
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