Phong Doan Ha, Phuong Nguyen Ngoc Kim, Dzung Nguyen Ba

Giới thiệu


Vietnam is one of the countries strongly affected by climate change. The reports of the Vietnam Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (2009, 2012) also confirmed that natural disasters have been more complex and extreme. The extreme events related to drought also have been increasing. Therefore, understanding the impacts of climate change at regional and national scales relating to extreme events is critical and urgent. This study used the regional climate model Hadgem3_RA to extract factors related to extreme temperature to establish thematic maps over Vietnam. The aim of the article is to provide the potential to establish extreme temperature map to serve climate change adaptation and mitigation.

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Trích dẫn

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Các tác giả

Phong Doan Ha
nbdung@hunre.edu.vn (Liên hệ chính)
Phuong Nguyen Ngoc Kim
Dzung Nguyen Ba
Doan Ha, P., Nguyen Ngoc Kim, P., & Nguyen Ba, D. (2019). 04. RESEARCH ON EXTRACTION OFINFORMATION FROM REGIONAL CLIMATE MODEL HADGEM3-RA TO ESTABLISH THEMATIC MAP RELATED TO EXTREME TEMPERATURE. Tạp Chí Khoa học Tài Nguyên Và Môi trường, (25), 30–35. Truy vấn từ http://tapchikhtnmt.hunre.edu.vn/index.php/tapchikhtnmt/article/view/156

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